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Founders’ speak

COVID-19 and the turn of events brought about by it forced us to re-examine Mahatma Gandhi’s sage assertion that

“The future of India lives in her villages”.

The situation forced workers to return to rural areas. This reverse migration impacted our economy and wreaked havoc on millions of lives.

Years of progress got reversed as it impacted livelihoods, health, women empowerment, the education of the children of migrants and a huge number of vulnerable communities in a variety of ways, and its implications will be felt by the future generations as well.

Caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place, many of the returning worker got stuck in debt traps. To the worker who chose to stay in the city, there was entrapment of a different sort – no job and no dignity.

For India to grow and truly progress, we have to ensure that the rural sector of the country is empowered to make choices and transform their own lives.

With this aim, we launched Jal Agni Vayu Akash Bhoomi Foundation (JAVAB) – a Section 8 Company registered under Companies Act 2013, a Not For Profit initiative with a mission to empower rural lives through the 360-degree development model which encompasses the important thematic areas of Health & Nutrition, Education, Water, Sanitation and Economic Development.

Our aim is to build from the ground up. From the villages to the Block, to the District, and the State. Then replicate across India. Our aim is to minimize the huge disparities that exist between cities and villages and offer a superior quality of life to all her citizens.

Perhaps it is the present-day version of “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan.” By empowering our villages and the local communities to be self- sufficient, collaborative for the collective good, and preserve our culture and values. To create a harmonious society of well -rounded youth who are healthy, productive and proud of their heritage and country. And all this, while being respectful of our environment and saving it for future generations.
Our Vision

Our Vision

To build an India that is self-sufficient, healthy and prosperous by creating model villages that provides its communities livelihood opportunities, health, education and a quality of life thereby having a more holistic development of the Nation, reduce economic disparity and preserve tradition, culture and Indian Values
Our Mission

Our Mission

Focus on building the Villages of Raigad District in Maharashtra, ‘Block –by- Block’ by empowering the local communities to work with the natural resources while preserving the environment, provide Educational assistance to create awareness of relevant scientific agricultural practices and Government Jobs, bring health services and leverage local resources for economic prosperity and food sufficiency.
Our Strategy

Our Strategy

Jai Jawan, Jai Kissan, Jai Vidhwan.

Build National Pride, preserve the Environment and protect the Farmers and local Trades by leveraging natural resources. Bring local people into Government Jobs that will also include the Armed Services so that there is an emotional connect and a sense of affiliation for their land and own people.
Our Belief

Our Belief

“I am because we are.”

Inspired by the African Belief in the concept of “UBUNTU”.

My humanity is caught- up, bound up, inextricably, with yours. The solitary human being is a contradiction in terms. Therefore you seek to work for the common good because your humanity comes into its own in community, in belonging.”

To uplift our Villages and bring about prosperity for all, we have to work as a team. Only a group of people who support each other on a quest can make the world better.

We find value in community. We find our humanity in belonging. We find Happiness in collaboration, collective good and in coexistence with our communities and Mother Nature.