Women’s Health Camp @ Beneghat, Pen, Raigad, Maharashtra
Javab foundation helped organize a Women’s health campaign to cater to the needs of the women of our society.
On the 4th of June 2023, with a team of 2 doctors and 6 laboratory technicians from Apollo Hospital, 2 laboratory personnel from Drisha Labs, members from the Javab foundation and a team of volunteers from the Bori village, a women’s health camp was organized in Beneghat village to contribute towards better health of the women in Beneghat. A total of 88 women attended. Free consultation was followed by Blood Checkup at the premises, as suggested by the Doctors. A bone density checkup was done for all the women for free. The initiative was funded by BioXera pharma.
The doctors who provided free consultation, prescribed lab tests as required for the women, and JAVAB also distributed medicines for free as per the needs of the women.
Key health markers for women like Random Glucose, CBC, Serum Calcium, Creatinine, Urine routine and microscopy along with other tests were available on the spot, with no cost to the women.
Key highlight of this camp was the PAP-Smear test which is used for early diagnosis of cervical cancer in women. As women from the rural area are not aware of the risk and high probability for cervical cancer, this test was a boon to them. Doctors examined all the women and prescribed the PAP-smear wherever necessary. 20 women in total underwent the PAP-Smear test.
Those who were anaemic received Iron supplements, those with bone issues received Calcium tablets and Vitamin D3 booster tablets for a month, and everyone was given multivitamin tablets - all of this for free!
Thanks to our initiative, every woman that left the venue was already feeling more confident about her health and many of them expressed their gratitude to the volunteers and doctors before leaving!
You can see their smiling faces along with the doctors, lab staff and volunteers in our video and slideshow below.
Kudos to the team and the doctors who made this possible! See glimpses of the camp in our picture gallery below, and if you would like to be a part of such campaigns or volunteer with us in the future, write to us at info@javabfoundation.in