Eye Checkup Camp @ Ambeghar, Pen, Raigad, Maharashtra

In late 2021, the Government of India officially eased the restrictions imposed during the lockdown that was implemented Nationwide due to COVID. Post October 2021 most of the establishments gradually reopened- including Colleges and schools with limited attendance and strict protocols in place.

Due to the loss of livelihoods, various social issues emerged. Health care was one area that was majorly impacted as the focus was on addressing emergencies or critical illnesses & in many cases, taking care of family members affected by Covid 19.

In view of the above, JAVAB Foundation conducted Eye Check-Up Camp in Ambeghar Village in Pen. Raigad District on 4thJune 2022. Supported by BioXera Pharma, we were able to help the underprivileged and those who lacked even the minimum funds to have Eye Checks and address the basic needs of providing Free Spectacles.

Ambeghar is situated in Pen, Raigad, at a distance of about 90 Kms from Mumbai. Despite its proximity to a major city like Mumbai, the area is fairly backward. Adjacent to Chitrakutir in Ambeghar Village is an Adivasi Pada. Other Villages in the vicinity are Nandadi, Dhamani, Mordongi, Paswodiwadi, Ganpatiwadi, Kamarli, Maldevan and Khadkewadi. The collective population of all these villages would be approx. 15,000 people. The community comprises of small farmers, daily wage earners/marginal worker, Ganpati Idol Makers, Small shop keepers and Food/ Pan Beedi/ Tea Stalls and some who work in the establishments and Factories on the way to Khalapur toll point.

The villages and the people in them regularly intermingle for their day- to- day needs and there is frequent interaction within the communities. All events see participation from the members of the communities.

The Camp was conducted at the Society Office of Chitrakutir Kalagram as there was a need for closed rooms and electricity to facilitate the setting up of the equipment and eye charts for conducting the various tests. We received the full support of the Society & the youth from the village in helping with the seating and bringing the people in small groups, assisting the elderly, and recording the attendance.

The Panchayat actively participated in creating awareness and spreading the communication of the FREE Eye Check –up Camp by putting up banners. In addition, there was ‘Word OF Mouth’ publicity to communicate the date and the timing of the Camp.

274 people arrived at the venue and underwent the eye check-ups. Out of these, there were 142 women and 132 men. 13 people were given free spectacles, 3 for myopia (near sightedness) and 10 for hypermetropia (far sightedness) 10 people needed Cataract Surgery or other intervention and they were recommended to visit any eye specialist in the vicinity.250 spectacles were given for free to the people who came to the camp.

It was a localized camp but it reached a lot of people, successfully tested and helped a lot of villagers, who expressed their gratitude and some even gave their blessings to the volunteers and doctors!

See glimpses of the camp in our picture gallery above, and if you would like to be a part of such campaigns or volunteer with us in the future, write to us at info@javabfoundation.in