JAVAB Foundation has been actively working in the villages of Bori, Beneghat, Shinganvat and Ambeghar in Pen. After the series of Eye checks and Health Camps conducted there, the Panchayat requested for help with the Primary School.
The ZP Primary School is a 70 + year old institution and at a point of time had over 250 students. More than 3 generations had their basic education there and have many have moved on to work in other cities and also for higher education.
But today, the original structure is crumbing, there is no water, the toilets are not functioning and the play equipment dangerously broken. Parents are compelled to send their kids to private schools at the cost of cutting back on many other necessities.
We were struggling to get some funds to repair the school. There is every opportunity to restore it and there is all the support from the community and the Parents.
Mr.Sunil Devnani and his Rotary Club of Bombay Seacoast District 3141 stepped in to help and this has once again provided hope to all.
The kids were super excited once the room started looking all new and the Staff also chipped in to make the Walls paintings. The inauguration session was well attended by the Parents, Village elders and Panchayat Members.
We would like to extend our thanks to the Bori Group Gram Panchayat Members, Sarpanch Shrimati@Nandini Ravindra Mhatre and all the members of her family and the volunteers for their support